Tag Archives: Coney Island Adventure

Bucket #2 (Coney Island Fun in the Sun)

Alan, Laurie, Maddy, Laura, Randy and Lindsay

BUCKET #2 (Coney Island Fun in the Sun)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Temp: 82 degrees



Our Coney Island Adventure started off on a beautiful day meeting up with friends in Astoria.  We decided riding the train together would add to the excitement of the day, so Randy, Laura and Maddy met us at our subway stop with a cooler, summery clothes and smiles!  Lindsay and Maddy had never been to Coney Island, so we had plans to experience as much of it as possible!  We enjoyed catching up and anticipating a glorious day on the 1.5 hour train ride that took us from one end of the train to the other!

Once we got to Coney Island, our first stop was to the famous Nathan’s Hot Dog Shop.  Our friend, Alan met up with us there!  With hot dogs and cheesy fries in hand, we took off to find a spot on the beach.  The weather was perfect for lounging in the sun and throwing a frisbee around.  We found the water to be freezing at first but actually quite refreshing to dip our feet into.  There were a few brave souls swimming in it, but I think I’ll save the swims for late July and August.

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After our picnic and fun in the sun, we packed up to head over to the Aquarium!  It was packed, but we got to see everything including the penguin feeding time!  Who knew the penguins were actually from a climate similar to ours?  (They were from somewhere in Africa near Nubia.)

Taking this picture reminded us of that scene in the Leo remake of Romeo and Juliet! Haha!

The next stop was to the famous Wonder Wheel that was originally built in the 1920’s.  So much history on Coney Island…we got to see a picture of the 4th of July on Coney Island many many years ago and it’s amazing to be in the same place as that photo was taken.  We all decided on the swinging cars on the ferris wheel.  A couple of us were totally freaked, (cough-Lindsay, Laura, and Randy-cough, cough) but everyone survived!  It was a beautiful view…and a little windy and chilly!

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Al looks as cool as a cucumber on this terrifying ride.  (Note- the seat he’s sitting on says DANGER!)  Maddy is pointing to THE original ticket booth for the Wonder Wheel!

Rita’s Frozen Ice was one of our last stops before heading back home.

Gluten free for me and gluten free/lactose free for Linds! Hooray!

But before we left, Randy had to test out his strength at a carnival classic!  He beat all the other guys we saw!

What a stud!

There’s much more to be discovered at Coney Island including many rides and a Freak Show.  Maybe we’ll have to go back?

Overall it was the perfect summer day making lovely memories with great friends!  On the way home, we had that happy, tired feeling from being in the sun all day.  We were able to discuss future adventure ideas and remark on what a blessing it is to experience this amazing city and share it with amazing friends!

The Sisters Sutton!

Last Stop: Coney Island

Check out this article!  It’s about the US getting it’s first roller coaster 130 years ago at Coney Island!  (The anniversary was just this past Monday!)


If anyone wants to join us for future adventures, please message me!  Who knows, maybe we’ll extend into the fall and winter!

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