Tag Archives: Astoria park

Bucket #5 (Early 4th of July Fireworks in Astoria!)

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Bucket #5 (Early 4th of July Fireworks in Astoria)

June 30, 2014

Temp: HOT (I forgot to look, but it was so hot walking there.  Once the sun went down, it was actually quite pleasant.)

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The whole group!

Laura and Maddy were the instigators for this bucket adventure.  Apparently, Astoria has a HUGE fireworks display before Independence Day every year in Astoria park.  We had no idea how busy it would be and the list of friends joining in was growing, so we got there an hour before the “concert.”  Maddy, Lindsay and I met up around 6:00 and headed down to the water.  We chose a spot out in the grass closer to the Hell Gate Bridge (who knew that’s what it was called!).  There were quite a few people already in the park, but we were able to stake out a pretty large area.

Blankets were laid out, chairs were set up, and food was set out to enjoy!  We chatted and enjoyed being in the sun while we waited for our other awesome friends to meet up.  Eric, Blair, Ashley, and Ryan showed up pretty quickly.  Blair had seen a Mister Softee truck, and Eric had seen a hot dog vendor on their way over…so the three of us took off for snacks and to pick up Dawn.  We failed miserably in two of the three tasks, but we succeeded in the important one of finding Dawn.  (The truck had moved; we think the police got involved and made them move!  And the hot dog vendor closed up shop right in front of us to get closer to the center of the action…why they didn’t take the business right in front of them is beyond my comprehension.  Eric survived; he ate a huge ice cream dinner later!)

Tony, Randy, and Ashley’s friends showed up soon after!  Now there was supposed to be a concert starting at 7:30.  The Queens Symphony was playing, but we could hardly hear anything.  Guess we should have tried to get closer to the stage, but we just assumed they would have a bigger sound system since they do this event every year supposedly.  It was strange…if you stood up you could hear a little better because you were above all the people that were absorbing the sound.  I missed the music, but it was lovely to catch up with friends and meet some new ones.

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Maddy in her new chair!

Daniella also made an appearance at our blanket!  Time passed so quickly being in such good company.  It got dark, and I suddenly realized, the park was PACKED!  The huge, grassy, empty area we set up camp in was now completely full!  Astorians sure know how to make a community come together!

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Once it got dark enough, the fireworks started over the water, and it was a magnificent sight!  I have no idea why blowing things up in the sky can foster such patriotic feelings, but it does!  We are so lucky to live in this amazing country!  God truly blesses the USA; obviously there are issues, and there always will be…but I am so proud and feel extremely fortunate to have the freedoms that we have.  Being in the biggest city in our country during this holiday week is an unbelievable experience!

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Immediately after the fireworks, Tony found us.  He was having trouble with cell phone reception, so he left for a call and ended up not finding us for the big moment.  So Tony had to watch the fireworks alone…without shoes…for some reason.  😦  He was very upset about it!

After the fireworks, we made the trek back to Maddy and Randy’s apartment for a bathroom break.  (Waiting in like for the porta potty was not our idea of fun!)  We decided to extend the adventure to the Vegan Ice Cream place by their apartment.  They had regular ice cream as well.  After taste testing a couple, Lindsay and I decided on the chocolate sorbet.  Yum!

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Ryan’s ice cream that Tony thought looked like his hair somehow

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Gorgeous gals!

We certainly could have kept the fun going, but we decided to be responsible and head home.  It was such a refreshing, lovely night, and it definitely made up for the fact that I had to work on the 4th.

On to the next bucket!!

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