Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bucket #9 (Ultimate Urban Scavenger Hunt NYC…Amazing Race…Survivor, etc)

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Bucket #9 (Ultimate Urban Scavenger Hunt NYC…Amazing Race…Survivor)

July 27, 2014

Temp: I don’t remember…but it was supposed to rain, and it didn’t! 🙂

Wow!  I’ve been busy lately…sorry for the very long delay!

This was a bucket that helped prompt the whole summer bucket list idea!  We saw it on groupon and discussed the idea with several people.  When I mentioned it to my mom, she said that my dad would probably try to plan a whole trip around this bucket!  (Note- the other three Suttons LOVE The Amazing Race and Survivor.)  There was a lot of discussion of who should attend, who wanted to attend, who would get in an argument during the event, etc.

Basically the idea is that there are several teams each consisting of 2 or more people without a limit.  The scavenger hunt gives you 12 clues, 11 of which you must solve and travel to that location to take a picture with all your team members.

Lindsay and I decided on purchasing 4 tickets at the groupon price in case mom and dad decided to visit then.  If not, we were going to include friends in the fun.  The race ended up the same weekend as our move!  Crazy times!  The good news was that mom and dad were in town that weekend!  Yay! The bad news was that we were sooo busy we weren’t able to strategize.  We weren’t even sure we were going to do it.

We decided a couple days ahead of time that we would do the race if it wasn’t pouring down rain.  (My mom was still undecided at this point.)  There was some concern that Lindsay, with her competitive spirit, would feel dragged down by the rest of us, but she insisted that she wanted all to attend.

Our day started off in a crazy manner, of course.  Having been in the apartment for a couple nights, we had been running around like crazy getting stuff done.  The morning of the race, Lindsay and I desperately wanted to attend the La Duca dance shoe sale that only happens once a year.  We raced to the sale, shopped like crazy for shoes, raced to drop off shoes and pick mom up, and raced to the race!  (All of this racing would not have been possible at our old apartment location!  We certainly marveled at all the new opportunities ahead of us due to our new location!)

The Suttons arrived at the race with 2 minutes to spare…and we were prepared…somewhat!  As mentioned before, we weren’t able to create a plan of attack.  Some of the teams were SERIOUS…they had maps, gear and intense focus.  We had none of that.  The race keepers kept promising it wasn’t about speed, it was about smarts.  Lindsay, our fearless team captain, retrieved the clues and we were off…well sort of…

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The most confusing clue of all time…we finally figured it out!

Two of our team members wanted to start running around finding things along the way (Linds and dad), and two members wanted to sit down and figure out each clue and find the best way to get everywhere (mom and me).  After planning for quite some time, we decided to take off with only some of the clues figured out.  A few clues tripped us up with confusing wording, but we finally figured them out.

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After a somewhat slow start and a quick argument between the Sisters Sutton, we soon found our stride and started crossing off clues left and right.  Lindsay was our speedy attacker of clues, mom was our steady and smart reasoner of clues, dad was our sneaky, stealthy spy on the other teams, and I suppose I was the glue that held us together?  Haha…probably not, I figured out a few clues and tried to map out the couple areas we had to hit in what order.

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Dad and I pretending to be in a fountain…this one had some serious flowers around it…we were sure we’d get arrested for jumping in- even though we definitely wanted to …it was WARM outside!

Lindsay wanted to win and I just wanted to not come in last place!  Ha!  Interesting sister combo.  Well we achieved my goal…that’s right folks, aim low in your goals!  (I’m so joking…I have to be competitive in certain areas of my life, so I choose to not be with games and scavenger hunts.)  We clocked in after a couple hours and sat down for a nice drink of cool water.  Our official time according to the website was 2:36:02…and they spelled our name wrong- Sutten…what do they know?  The SuttOn Family team did a great job working together, and we had fun on the race.  (Although we certainly discussed the issues with the race and how we would have organized it differently!)

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We had to act out a wedding with a girl from another team.

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It’s hard to selfie with 4 people…sorry to block you mom! 🙂

Lindsay and I were even talking about creating our own scavenger hunt for our friends to find our apartment for a house warming!  Who knows?  Maybe we’ll make it happen…we shall see!

The summer has now ended, there’s a distinct chill in the air, so with that…our chapter, “A Sutton Sister Summer,” should probably be replaced with a brand new blog idea to coincide with the fall season!  Any ideas are welcome!

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Bucket #7 (People Mover and Roosevelt Island)



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Thank you to Eric for taking this great picture of “the girls!”

Bucket #7 (People Mover and Roosevelt Island)

July 20, 2014

Temp: Comfortable, if I remember correctly

We started this bucket day at a great service at Church with our friends Eric and Kristina.  Kristina came all the way from Florida to participate in the bucket list adventure.  (not completely true…it actually had more to do with a callback, but we like to think it was for adventure purposes!)  After a lovely walk to the east side, Kate met up with us at BRGR.  We purchased a tasty lunch and went on our way to the People Mover.  (That name is debatable…but it sounds much more exciting than the Roosevelt Island Tram…right Lindsay?)

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Now people use this People Mover as everyday transportation, but I like to think of it as a ride in The Big Apple Theme Park.  Eric now lives on the Island, so he was our professional tour guide.  We jumped on the People Mover with just a swipe of our unlimited metro cards and were off on a beautiful trip across the water with indescribable views of the largest city in the country.

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We had quite the range on the nerve scale…with me at one end and Lindsay at the opposite.  Can you figure out who was the scaredy-cat?  Yup…that’s our Lindsay! 😉  I was proud of her for overcoming her fear of heights with such grace!

We made it to the island and found a lovely spot in a park facing the East River and Manhattan.  We enjoyed some snacks and chats and then took a walk where we passed the abandoned smallpox hospital.  Apparently this Island has had so many different names and purposes.  They’ve used it as a hospital, penitentiary, asylum, and for residential housing.  Here’s more info about the island…

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It was great to catch up with the lovely Kate and lovely Kristina and to hang out with charming Eric.  Spending time with wonderful friends is the best adventure I can think of.  Everytime I get to see any friend, I immediately want to write a blog about my time with them…whether it be at an audition, out to dinner or just a quick hug and hello on the street.

Thanking God for the blessings of many sweet friendships…and bucket list adventures 😉

On to the next bucket…and it’s a BIG one!

Bucket #6 (Brooklyn Bridge Biking, South Street Seaport…and food trucks…and fro-yo)

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Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge with awesome friends!

Bucket #6 (Brooklyn Bridge Biking, South Street Seaport…and food trucks…and fro-yo!)

Sunday, July 7th, 2014

Temp: 82 Degrees

We decided on another biking adventure with the help of Laura and Randy.  (Our friend, Talia, was hoping we were done with the biking since we already checked that off the bucket list, but we just couldn’t resist!)  Randy, Laura, and Ryan met us by the south street seaport at a bike rental company.  Laura and Randy toted their bikes on the subway all the way from Astoria!  They are so strong and mighty!!  We purchased a groupon for the bikes and got a great deal!  The biggest plus was that my bike was actually my size this time!  I didn’t have to completely jump to get on and off the bike, and I didn’t have to point my toes the entire ride when pedaling.  What a relief since we were headed to the crowded bridge on an absolutely gorgeous Sunday!

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After following some misleading signs that led us in a circle rather than to the bridge and after being tempted by several ice cream trucks (cough…Ryan…cough, cough), we made it to the entrance of the bridge with Randy as our fearless leader.  There were several pedestrians but not as many bikers that day, so we were fortunate to have some space on an otherwise crowded bridge.  Thankfully, I also had a bell on my bike which I loved using!  haha!  The first part of the bridge felt like we were working a little bit.  I couldn’t tell it was uphill just by looking at the bridge, but later when we looked at the bridge from afar, you can definitely see the incline.

The view was absolutely breathtaking!  Linds and I were the only ones in our group who had been across the bridge!  (and that was in January on a very very cold day!)  We made it about halfway and stopped to check in and continued on our way with all of us trying to dodge a rather unsteady redheaded biker.  (no…that wasn’t Lindsay!)

The rest of the bridge was downhill and easy, and we made it to a beautiful area down by the water where we locked up the bikes and went for a stroll.  (And took lots of pictures!)

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After a nice break, we hopped back on our bikes and tackled the bridge back into Manhattan.  This time, we stopped for some scenic pictures on the bridge!

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We got our bikes back to the rental location with 1 minute to spare!  Perfect timing with no stress!  We scooted on down to the South Street Seaport to debate lunch plans and settled on food trucks, so everyone could pick what they wanted.

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Ryan got really excited to eat at the Mac Truck!

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After eating, we bid our friends adieu and headed back to Astoria in time to meet up with Talia to extend the bucket list adventure.  Talia wasn’t too into the whole biking idea, but she definitely wanted to participate in Lindsay’s favorite part of the adventure…FRO-YO!  Now my sister has been known to enjoy her Fro-Yo, but I swear I had no idea the obsession had gotten this out of hand in the time I’ve been away from NYC.  She probably should just open up her own Fro-Yo place with all lactose free creations.  The three of us had a lovely time chatting and snacking!  Talia also gave us a great idea to purchase one of those Groupon painting classes!  Any takers?  I think it sounds awesome…although I am a little concerned about my lack of painting skills.  Maybe I’ll just take Talia’s approach, and paint my own stuff…only hers will turn out as art and mine…not so much!

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Oh and on the way home, we saw this sign for Fire Island…

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Of course it failed to mention it requires a trek through loose sand and $7 per person to go to the top of the lighthouse.  Haha!

We are very much looking forward to more bucket adventures!  Let us know if you want to join or have an idea for one!

Bucket #5 (Early 4th of July Fireworks in Astoria!)

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Bucket #5 (Early 4th of July Fireworks in Astoria)

June 30, 2014

Temp: HOT (I forgot to look, but it was so hot walking there.  Once the sun went down, it was actually quite pleasant.)

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The whole group!

Laura and Maddy were the instigators for this bucket adventure.  Apparently, Astoria has a HUGE fireworks display before Independence Day every year in Astoria park.  We had no idea how busy it would be and the list of friends joining in was growing, so we got there an hour before the “concert.”  Maddy, Lindsay and I met up around 6:00 and headed down to the water.  We chose a spot out in the grass closer to the Hell Gate Bridge (who knew that’s what it was called!).  There were quite a few people already in the park, but we were able to stake out a pretty large area.

Blankets were laid out, chairs were set up, and food was set out to enjoy!  We chatted and enjoyed being in the sun while we waited for our other awesome friends to meet up.  Eric, Blair, Ashley, and Ryan showed up pretty quickly.  Blair had seen a Mister Softee truck, and Eric had seen a hot dog vendor on their way over…so the three of us took off for snacks and to pick up Dawn.  We failed miserably in two of the three tasks, but we succeeded in the important one of finding Dawn.  (The truck had moved; we think the police got involved and made them move!  And the hot dog vendor closed up shop right in front of us to get closer to the center of the action…why they didn’t take the business right in front of them is beyond my comprehension.  Eric survived; he ate a huge ice cream dinner later!)

Tony, Randy, and Ashley’s friends showed up soon after!  Now there was supposed to be a concert starting at 7:30.  The Queens Symphony was playing, but we could hardly hear anything.  Guess we should have tried to get closer to the stage, but we just assumed they would have a bigger sound system since they do this event every year supposedly.  It was strange…if you stood up you could hear a little better because you were above all the people that were absorbing the sound.  I missed the music, but it was lovely to catch up with friends and meet some new ones.

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Maddy in her new chair!

Daniella also made an appearance at our blanket!  Time passed so quickly being in such good company.  It got dark, and I suddenly realized, the park was PACKED!  The huge, grassy, empty area we set up camp in was now completely full!  Astorians sure know how to make a community come together!

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Once it got dark enough, the fireworks started over the water, and it was a magnificent sight!  I have no idea why blowing things up in the sky can foster such patriotic feelings, but it does!  We are so lucky to live in this amazing country!  God truly blesses the USA; obviously there are issues, and there always will be…but I am so proud and feel extremely fortunate to have the freedoms that we have.  Being in the biggest city in our country during this holiday week is an unbelievable experience!

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Immediately after the fireworks, Tony found us.  He was having trouble with cell phone reception, so he left for a call and ended up not finding us for the big moment.  So Tony had to watch the fireworks alone…without shoes…for some reason.  😦  He was very upset about it!

After the fireworks, we made the trek back to Maddy and Randy’s apartment for a bathroom break.  (Waiting in like for the porta potty was not our idea of fun!)  We decided to extend the adventure to the Vegan Ice Cream place by their apartment.  They had regular ice cream as well.  After taste testing a couple, Lindsay and I decided on the chocolate sorbet.  Yum!

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Ryan’s ice cream that Tony thought looked like his hair somehow

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Gorgeous gals!

We certainly could have kept the fun going, but we decided to be responsible and head home.  It was such a refreshing, lovely night, and it definitely made up for the fact that I had to work on the 4th.

On to the next bucket!!

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Bucket #2 (Coney Island Fun in the Sun)

Alan, Laurie, Maddy, Laura, Randy and Lindsay

BUCKET #2 (Coney Island Fun in the Sun)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Temp: 82 degrees

Our Coney Island Adventure started off on a beautiful day meeting up with friends in Astoria.  We decided riding the train together would add to the excitement of the day, so Randy, Laura and Maddy met us at our subway stop with a cooler, summery clothes and smiles!  Lindsay and Maddy had never been to Coney Island, so we had plans to experience as much of it as possible!  We enjoyed catching up and anticipating a glorious day on the 1.5 hour train ride that took us from one end of the train to the other!

Once we got to Coney Island, our first stop was to the famous Nathan’s Hot Dog Shop.  Our friend, Alan met up with us there!  With hot dogs and cheesy fries in hand, we took off to find a spot on the beach.  The weather was perfect for lounging in the sun and throwing a frisbee around.  We found the water to be freezing at first but actually quite refreshing to dip our feet into.  There were a few brave souls swimming in it, but I think I’ll save the swims for late July and August.

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After our picnic and fun in the sun, we packed up to head over to the Aquarium!  It was packed, but we got to see everything including the penguin feeding time!  Who knew the penguins were actually from a climate similar to ours?  (They were from somewhere in Africa near Nubia.)

Taking this picture reminded us of that scene in the Leo remake of Romeo and Juliet! Haha!

The next stop was to the famous Wonder Wheel that was originally built in the 1920’s.  So much history on Coney Island…we got to see a picture of the 4th of July on Coney Island many many years ago and it’s amazing to be in the same place as that photo was taken.  We all decided on the swinging cars on the ferris wheel.  A couple of us were totally freaked, (cough-Lindsay, Laura, and Randy-cough, cough) but everyone survived!  It was a beautiful view…and a little windy and chilly!

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Al looks as cool as a cucumber on this terrifying ride.  (Note- the seat he’s sitting on says DANGER!)  Maddy is pointing to THE original ticket booth for the Wonder Wheel!

Rita’s Frozen Ice was one of our last stops before heading back home.

Gluten free for me and gluten free/lactose free for Linds! Hooray!

But before we left, Randy had to test out his strength at a carnival classic!  He beat all the other guys we saw!

What a stud!

There’s much more to be discovered at Coney Island including many rides and a Freak Show.  Maybe we’ll have to go back?

Overall it was the perfect summer day making lovely memories with great friends!  On the way home, we had that happy, tired feeling from being in the sun all day.  We were able to discuss future adventure ideas and remark on what a blessing it is to experience this amazing city and share it with amazing friends!

The Sisters Sutton!

Last Stop: Coney Island

Check out this article!  It’s about the US getting it’s first roller coaster 130 years ago at Coney Island!  (The anniversary was just this past Monday!)

If anyone wants to join us for future adventures, please message me!  Who knows, maybe we’ll extend into the fall and winter!

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Bucket List Adventure #1 (Bikes, Chelsea Market, High Line)

Lindsay and Laurie Sutton here!  A couple weeks ago we decided to create a NYC Summer Bucket List since we aren’t usually both in the city during the summer.  An added bonus is that our restaurant decided to close on Sundays until October, so we are guaranteed one day off together each week!

This blog is for us to remember and document our adventures as well as to share our adventures with others!  We encourage you to share any bucket list adventures with us as well!


Sunday, June 1st, 2014

Temp: 77 degrees

The PERFECT start to our summer adventures.  Lindsay researched a GROUPON deal for a bike rental company called Bike and Roll.

She purchased the deal which was $19 for two people to rent bikes for two hours.  It also came with free helmet rental.  (A necessity in our cases…haha!)  Let me preface the bike adventure by saying that we probably haven’t even been on a bike, other than exercise bikes, for a good 15 years.  (Lindsay had a traumatic experience on a bike many years ago that involved a mailbox and having to be picked up two houses down in our old Cadillac car…and you’re surprised we’re ACTORS?  Yup…pretty dramatic!)

We picked up our bikes after a gorgeous walk from the 57th and 7th street stop to 12th ave.  The company had one small bike and one slightly bigger bike.  I have to say my bike felt HUGE…probably the source of the bum soreness I felt for the next three days, but that’s another story!  Anyway, I insisted that we shouldn’t start our bucket list with a trip to the hospital, so we should stick to a bike path and avoid the streets.  We settled on the Hudson River Park Bikeway.  Lindsay led the way, and we were headed north along the Hudson with smiles plastered to our faces drinking up the sunshine and relishing that active feeling of being alive in a city so full of life and adventure!

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We made it to 175th street where the George Washington Bridge is!  What a beautiful sight!  At this point we were rolling…pun intended! 😉  I decided to take over the lead, and that’s when we started to feel the exercise.  Now we walk all over this city, up the 3 flights to our apartment and exercise at the gym regularly, but we noticed this was using different muscle groups.  The wind also picked up, and I’m thinking that path definitely felt more uphill heading back…I’m just saying…

photo 2We made it back to the bike rental place right on time.  Phew!  And we were off to our next adventure.

I had never been to Chelsea Market believe it or not!  It is soooo cute!

We picked up a gluten free lunch to go at Friedman’s and headed to The High Line.  Linds had told me about The High Line.  I had never been there before.  For those who don’t know, it is a park built along the above ground section of an abandoned railroad.


NYC is just so unique and creative!  It was pretty packed that day due to the nice weather, but we finally found a place to enjoy our lunch.  We walked the rest of the way and decided to call it a day.

What’s next?  We’re not even sure, but we’ve got a list started!  We’re looking forward to friends joining on us some adventures and creating some of their own!

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