Monthly Archives: September 2014

Bucket #9 (Ultimate Urban Scavenger Hunt NYC…Amazing Race…Survivor, etc)

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Bucket #9 (Ultimate Urban Scavenger Hunt NYC…Amazing Race…Survivor)

July 27, 2014

Temp: I don’t remember…but it was supposed to rain, and it didn’t! 🙂

Wow!  I’ve been busy lately…sorry for the very long delay!

This was a bucket that helped prompt the whole summer bucket list idea!  We saw it on groupon and discussed the idea with several people.  When I mentioned it to my mom, she said that my dad would probably try to plan a whole trip around this bucket!  (Note- the other three Suttons LOVE The Amazing Race and Survivor.)  There was a lot of discussion of who should attend, who wanted to attend, who would get in an argument during the event, etc.

Basically the idea is that there are several teams each consisting of 2 or more people without a limit.  The scavenger hunt gives you 12 clues, 11 of which you must solve and travel to that location to take a picture with all your team members.

Lindsay and I decided on purchasing 4 tickets at the groupon price in case mom and dad decided to visit then.  If not, we were going to include friends in the fun.  The race ended up the same weekend as our move!  Crazy times!  The good news was that mom and dad were in town that weekend!  Yay! The bad news was that we were sooo busy we weren’t able to strategize.  We weren’t even sure we were going to do it.

We decided a couple days ahead of time that we would do the race if it wasn’t pouring down rain.  (My mom was still undecided at this point.)  There was some concern that Lindsay, with her competitive spirit, would feel dragged down by the rest of us, but she insisted that she wanted all to attend.

Our day started off in a crazy manner, of course.  Having been in the apartment for a couple nights, we had been running around like crazy getting stuff done.  The morning of the race, Lindsay and I desperately wanted to attend the La Duca dance shoe sale that only happens once a year.  We raced to the sale, shopped like crazy for shoes, raced to drop off shoes and pick mom up, and raced to the race!  (All of this racing would not have been possible at our old apartment location!  We certainly marveled at all the new opportunities ahead of us due to our new location!)

The Suttons arrived at the race with 2 minutes to spare…and we were prepared…somewhat!  As mentioned before, we weren’t able to create a plan of attack.  Some of the teams were SERIOUS…they had maps, gear and intense focus.  We had none of that.  The race keepers kept promising it wasn’t about speed, it was about smarts.  Lindsay, our fearless team captain, retrieved the clues and we were off…well sort of…

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The most confusing clue of all time…we finally figured it out!

Two of our team members wanted to start running around finding things along the way (Linds and dad), and two members wanted to sit down and figure out each clue and find the best way to get everywhere (mom and me).  After planning for quite some time, we decided to take off with only some of the clues figured out.  A few clues tripped us up with confusing wording, but we finally figured them out.

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After a somewhat slow start and a quick argument between the Sisters Sutton, we soon found our stride and started crossing off clues left and right.  Lindsay was our speedy attacker of clues, mom was our steady and smart reasoner of clues, dad was our sneaky, stealthy spy on the other teams, and I suppose I was the glue that held us together?  Haha…probably not, I figured out a few clues and tried to map out the couple areas we had to hit in what order.

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Dad and I pretending to be in a fountain…this one had some serious flowers around it…we were sure we’d get arrested for jumping in- even though we definitely wanted to …it was WARM outside!

Lindsay wanted to win and I just wanted to not come in last place!  Ha!  Interesting sister combo.  Well we achieved my goal…that’s right folks, aim low in your goals!  (I’m so joking…I have to be competitive in certain areas of my life, so I choose to not be with games and scavenger hunts.)  We clocked in after a couple hours and sat down for a nice drink of cool water.  Our official time according to the website was 2:36:02…and they spelled our name wrong- Sutten…what do they know?  The SuttOn Family team did a great job working together, and we had fun on the race.  (Although we certainly discussed the issues with the race and how we would have organized it differently!)

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We had to act out a wedding with a girl from another team.

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It’s hard to selfie with 4 people…sorry to block you mom! 🙂

Lindsay and I were even talking about creating our own scavenger hunt for our friends to find our apartment for a house warming!  Who knows?  Maybe we’ll make it happen…we shall see!

The summer has now ended, there’s a distinct chill in the air, so with that…our chapter, “A Sutton Sister Summer,” should probably be replaced with a brand new blog idea to coincide with the fall season!  Any ideas are welcome!

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