Bucket #8 (Moving…also “We live in a HOTEL!”)

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Bucket #8 (Moving…also “We live in a HOTEL!”)

July 25, 2014 (but really all of July and August)

Temp: Thankfully in the 70’s

This bucket is the reason I’ve been a behind on updating the blog.  It’s taken a lot of our time and energy as well as leaving us without internet for a few days…but the hard part is over!  Yay!

I’ll start at the beginning of this adventure.  We didn’t plan on moving.  We weren’t looking to move.  We were content and happy with our lovely place in Astoria…so when an excellent opportunity came up for us to move to a great, new place, we were both excited and a little sad at that prospect.  We heard the news on June 30th and quickly had to make all the arrangements to move in a couple of weeks.  We are actors.  We are used to packing up and moving around the country all the time, but our apartment had been our home base for 7 years…which equalled tons of stuff to move.  We also quickly learned we acquire much more than we get rid of.  Two girls with tons of stuff equals many hours of strategic packing and organizing.

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Thankfully our parents came in town right before the move.  We chose to move a couple loads the day before the big move in a zip car.  Tony also came to help us that day!  We got three car loads of stuff to the new place.  After the first car load, I was nominated to stay to wait for the bed deliveries.  I took a quick walk around the area and felt for the first time like I was actually living in NYC!  We are in the heart of everything!  Mom and I stayed at the new place that night while Lindsay and Dad spent one last night in Astoria to greet the movers early in the AM.

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The official moving day started and ended without a hitch.  The movers were absolutely fantastic.  We used Moving Man, Inc.  These guys were top notch!  Nothing was damaged or lost, and the guys were so nice.  Now if you’ve ever been to our Astoria apartment, you know THE STAIRS.  We lived on the 4th floor of a walk-up…most people get winded just coming up to the apartment…imagine moving furniture on those stairs at the end of July in NYC!!!  What a trio of fabulous movers!

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Thankfully, our new location has an elevator.  (Most of the reason why we keep saying “We live in a HOTEL!”)  They had everything moved in by 2:30 pm, so we had the rest of the day to move around the furniture and create a plan of attack for the massive job of unpacking.

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We are still in that process, of course, but it’s starting to feel more and more like home to us…even though we still get giddy with excitement when we say, “We live in a HOTEL!”

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