Bucket #7 (People Mover and Roosevelt Island)



photo 5

Thank you to Eric for taking this great picture of “the girls!”

Bucket #7 (People Mover and Roosevelt Island)

July 20, 2014

Temp: Comfortable, if I remember correctly

We started this bucket day at a great service at Church with our friends Eric and Kristina.  Kristina came all the way from Florida to participate in the bucket list adventure.  (not completely true…it actually had more to do with a callback, but we like to think it was for adventure purposes!)  After a lovely walk to the east side, Kate met up with us at BRGR.  We purchased a tasty lunch and went on our way to the People Mover.  (That name is debatable…but it sounds much more exciting than the Roosevelt Island Tram…right Lindsay?)

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Now people use this People Mover as everyday transportation, but I like to think of it as a ride in The Big Apple Theme Park.  Eric now lives on the Island, so he was our professional tour guide.  We jumped on the People Mover with just a swipe of our unlimited metro cards and were off on a beautiful trip across the water with indescribable views of the largest city in the country.


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We had quite the range on the nerve scale…with me at one end and Lindsay at the opposite.  Can you figure out who was the scaredy-cat?  Yup…that’s our Lindsay! 😉  I was proud of her for overcoming her fear of heights with such grace!

We made it to the island and found a lovely spot in a park facing the East River and Manhattan.  We enjoyed some snacks and chats and then took a walk where we passed the abandoned smallpox hospital.  Apparently this Island has had so many different names and purposes.  They’ve used it as a hospital, penitentiary, asylum, and for residential housing.  Here’s more info about the island…


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It was great to catch up with the lovely Kate and lovely Kristina and to hang out with charming Eric.  Spending time with wonderful friends is the best adventure I can think of.  Everytime I get to see any friend, I immediately want to write a blog about my time with them…whether it be at an audition, out to dinner or just a quick hug and hello on the street.

Thanking God for the blessings of many sweet friendships…and bucket list adventures 😉

On to the next bucket…and it’s a BIG one!

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